Webpage or Piece of Online Content
Lastname, Initial. Initial. (Date of publication). Title of page. [Format description when necessary].
Retrieved from URL.
Szalai, G. (2019). Fox film profit rises, driven by 'Bohemian Rhapsody.' Retrieved
from https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/fox-earnings-drop-higher-film-profit-driven-by-bohemian-rhapsody-1183307.
If the page does not have an author listed, start with the Title of page. If the date of publication is not included, use the abbreviation (n.d.)
Title of page. (Date of publication). Retrieved from URL.
The Oscars 2019. (2019). Retrieved from https://oscar.go.com/.
Motion Pictures
Producer, P. P. (Producer), & Director, D. D. (Director). (Date of release). Title of motion
picture. [Motion picture.] Country of origin: Studio or distributor.
Columbus, C. (Executive Producer & Director). (2001). Harry Potter and the sorcerer's
stone. [Motion picture.] U.K. & U.S.: Warner Bros. Studios.