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Image Collection in EBSCOhost
EBSCOhost Image Collection provides access to more than 1 million images which can be used in assignments and for educational purposes.
Go to Research Database page on Library’s Connect page and select EBSCOhost Databases.
From the menu across the top, select MORE to access the drop-down menu.
Select Images from the drop-down. Depending upon the databases selected, another menu might appear with additional options. Choose Image Collection for access to the complete collection.
Enter Search terms and click on Search button.
On the search page, there are several options to limit results to people, places, maps, etc.
From the retrieved items, click on the image thumbnail to open the full image and the metadata for the image.
Be sure to read any copyright statements included with the images.
from the website: Founded at the Detroit Institute of Arts in 1954, the Archives of American Art collects, preserves, and makes available primary sources documenting the history of the visual arts in the United States.
TheArtStory.org helps millions of people each year understand and enjoy every style of art, from Classical Greek statues, to Dali’s Surrealist concoctions, to Contemporary Conceptual explorations. Materials are written by PhDs and experts in art and art movements.
The MATERIALS database contains chemical, physical, visual, and analytical information on over 10,000 historic and contemporary materials used in the production and conservation of artistic, architectural, archaeological, and anthropological materials.
from the website: MAD celebrates all facets of making and the creative processes by which materials are transformed, from traditional techniques to cutting-edge technologies.
Includes images, video, audio. Browse collections by materials and techniques. Includes a comprehensive glossary of terms.