If you need assistance with print services, please reach out to any member of the library team.
T 407.679.0100 x.8438
F 407.551.2039
3300 University Blvd., Building FS3E
​Winter Park, FL 32792
3D Printing is now available for on campus students and staff. Details about 3D model design and printing and complete Library policy and guidelines are available on our 3D Printing Guide.
Self-service printing is currently unavailable. All printing will be processed at the library circulation desk. Only cash payments are accepted at this time.
Pay for printing with cash at the front desk:
Pay for printing by credit/debit card:
Black & White
$0.05 per side for 8.5 x 11 and 8.5 x 14
$0.15 per side for 11 x 17
$0.25 per side for 8.5 x 11
$.50 per side for 11 x 17 or 12 x 18
*All print jobs must be print-ready. The library team is not able to prepare or edit documents and images for printing.
*Always use the Preview Document option to view your print output BEFORE printing. You will be charged for every page printed, and we are unable process refunds.
*We regret that you will NOT be able to use card stock or specialty papers in the print systems. If you have specialized printing needs please reach out to a member of the library team.
Long-distance and local faxing services are available.
$1.00/page, excluding required cover page.
Please see the front desk for assistance. We can only accept cash for faxing at this time.
Black/white and color scan to USB or SD card is free. Please ask for assistance at the circulation desk.
Black & White Photocopies
$0.05 per side for 8.5 x 11 and 8.5 x 14
$0.15 per side for 11 x 17
Color Photocopies
$0.25 per side for 8.5 x 11
$.50 per side for 11 x 17
*We regret that you will NOT be able to use card stock or specialty papers in the print systems. If you have specialized copying needs please reach out to a member of the library team.
Wide-format Poster Printing
Paper is 24# coated for good quality color reproduction
Black & White
$4.00 per square foot
$5.00 per square foot
*All print jobs must be print-ready. The library team is not able to prepare or edit documents and images for printing.
*Always use the Preview Document option to view your print output BEFORE printing. You will be charged for every page printed, and we are unable process refunds.
Items using 50 grams of filament or less are printed at no charge.
Cost per gram for items using 51 grams of filament or more = $0.10 per gram.