Citation chasing is a method to identify works related to a known item. This is useful for identifying experts, journals/texts and other works with topics related or similar to your current research project. This is an excellent method for building depth and breadth to a research project, and supports the writing of literature reviews for theses, dissertations, and other research projects.
Backward Citation Chasing
Forward Citation Chasing
EBSCOhost Databases
EBSCOhost provides both forward and backward citation chasing with retrieved search results.
At the bottom of the retrieved records are a pair of hyperlinks
Cited References indicates the number of resources the article cites (backward citation searching). Clicking the link will retrieve the articles that have been cited if they are part of the database.
Times Cited in This Database indicates the number of resources that cited the work (forward citation searching). Clicking the link will retrieve the articles that cited the work being consulted.