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Full Sail DC3 Digital Resources: How to Use This Guide

This guide provides access to a comprehensive list of public databases and resources appropriate for the Full Sail DC areas of study.

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Click on the information icon next to resource links to learn more. These may include descriptions of the resource and additional information about how to use the resource.

About This Guide

This guide provides access to managed and curated resources appropriate for the Full Sail DC3 areas of study. Materials in this list have been selected by the library team to enhance access to authoritative and reliable sources of information.

Each tab across the top identifies resources for that particular area of study. However, users will find additional materials of interest in other sections. Access the individual areas of study by clicking on the tab. Or, scroll through each section using the navigation buttons at the bottom.

Most links will open in a new browser window. Some resources may require the creation of a personal account or a subscription in order to have full use of the provided content.

  • Art & Design - includes online databases, museums and archives, associations, art news.
  • Audio & Music Production - includes royalty-free music and sound effects, associations and organizations, music lists.
  • Business - includes business dictionaries, organizations and associations, industry information.
  • Creative Writing - includes writing tips, screenwriting resources, genre writing.
  • Communications & Media Strategy - includes social content creation tools, finding images, suggested readings and media charts.
  • Computer Science & Technology - includes useful websites, open source resources, associations and organizations and technology trend reports.
  • Game Design & Production - includes useful links, game assets, organizations and associations, and game news.
  • Sportscasting - includes online resources, sports news, links to official pro and collegiate sport sites.
  • Video Production - includes social content media creation tools, color pickers, film academies, websites and blogs, and resources for royalty-free music and sound effects.
  • General Resources - includes quick reference resources, digital book collections, and fact checking resources.
  • Citation & Attribution - includes tools and information for citing and attributions for resources.