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The Constitution Explained

Role of the U. S. Constitution

What is a Constitution? "The basic principles and laws of a nation, state, or social group that determine the powers and duties of the government and guarantee certain rights to the people in it." --Merriam-Webster Dictionary Online. In other words, the United States Constitution is America's instruction manual. It sets down the rules of how things are done in the United States.

The Constitution of the United State of America, along with federal laws, and treaties, is the supreme law of the United States of America. (Article VI. Clause 2.) It is referred to almost on a daily basis in news coverage, trials, protests, conversations, and political speeches and discussions. And in one way or another, it affects most aspects of our daily lives.

Senator Robert Byrd is quoted on Vote Smart: The Voter's Self Defense System: "Our Constitution embodies the vision of the Framers, their dream of freedom, supported by the genius of practical structure which has come to be known as the checks and balances and separation of powers. But we cannot defend and protect this dream if we are ignorant of the Constitution's history and how it works. Ignorance is ultimately the worst enemy of a people who want to be free."

Historical Declarations of Rights

Historical Codes of Law

  1. Code of Hammurabi (1792-1750 B.C.; Babylon)
  2. The Ten Commandments (approx. 1300 B.C.; Israel)
  3. Solon's Laws (530 B.C.; Athens, Greece)
  4. The Twelve Tablets (450 B.C.; Rome)
  5. Laws of Manu (200 B.C.; India)
  6. Justinian's Institutes (533; Rome)
  7. English Common Law (Institutionalized in 1154; England)
  8. Magna Carta (1215; England)
  9. Mayflower Compact (1620; USA)
  10. Bill of Rights, (1689, Great Britain)
  11. Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England (1765; Great Britain)
  12. Articles of Confederation (1781, USA)
  13. U.S. Constitution (1788, USA)
  14. Napoleonic Code (1804; France)
  15. Geneva Convention (1951, 1967; International)

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Related Guides

Opening Words of the Constitution

Preamble to the Constitution

Digitally cropped and enhanced image.Original image file is in the public domain
and sourced from the US National Archives and Records Administration.

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Additional References

Beeman, R. R. (2010). The Penguin guide to the United States Constitution: a fully annotated Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution and amendments, and selections from The Federalist Papers. Penguin Books. 
Hennessey, J. and McConnell, A. (2009). The United States Constitution: a graphic adaptation. Hill and Wang. 
Harper, T. (2016). The complete idiot's guide to the U.S. Constitution. Alpha Books, a member of Penguin Random House LLC. 
Kennedy, K., Kirchner, B., and Roosevelt, K. (2020). The Constitution decoded: a guide to the document that shapes our nation. Workman Publishing Company. 
Monk, L. R. and Ginsburg, R. B. (2018). The Bill of Rights: a user's guide. Hachette Books. 
Monk, L. R. (2015). The words we live by: your annotated guide to the Constitution. Hachette Books.